Legal notice

Legal notice

Information in accordance with § 5 TMG

LS One GmbH
represented by CEO Victoria Chrystof

Eschbacher Str. 58
79761 Waldshut-Tiengen

Telephone: +49 (0)7751 800 779 0
Fax: +49 (0)7751 800 779 99



Commercial registry entry:

Registrar of companies: AG Freiburg i.Br.
Registration number: HRB 717435


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Legal disclaimer

Please note the following important legal advice regarding the content and availability of this website, copyright restrictions and external links.


Content on this website

The content on this website has been created with a great deal of care. Despite this, LS One GmbH does not accept any liability for the accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of the content provided.


Availability of this website

LS One GmbH will endeavour to ensure the website will be available with as few disruptions as possible. But even with all due care, downtimes cannot be excluded. LS One GmbH reserves the right to change or discontinue its online presence at any time. We cannot accept any liability for interruptions or other errors caused by defective files or incorrectly structured formats.



All content and structures on this website are protected by copyright and ancillary copyright laws. The publication of content on the World Wide Web or in other online services does not mean that the copyright holder consents to this content being used by third parties. Written consent must first be obtained from LS One GmbH before this content can be used in any way other than those permitted by German copyright laws. We permit and welcome the quoting of our documents, as well as the use of links to our website, as long as there is a clear indication that the content is from the LS One GmbH website and it is not combined with the content of third parties that contravene the interests of LS One GmbH.


Note regarding external links

LS One GmbH is the content provider as per § 7 par.1 of the German Teleservices Act (TMG) and is therefore responsible for its ‘own content’ that it makes available for use in accordance with general law. This ‘own content’ is to be differentiated from links to content made available by other providers. LS One GmbH makes ‘foreign content’ available through links, which are characterised as follows: ‘links’ are always ‘living’ (dynamic) references. LS One GmbH checked whether the foreign content potentially contravened any civil or criminal laws when it initially linked to the foreign content. However LS One GmbH does not constantly check the content that its website is linked to in order to establish whether any changes have been made that many contravene those laws referred to above. If linked content that contravenes any civil or criminal laws is detected, or if this is pointed out by a third party, LS One GmbH will remove the link to that content.

Copyright 2025 Languageservices One
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